basic information

school : |
school of economics and management |
gender: |
male |
date of birth: |
198906 |
title: |
associate professor |
education: |
ph.d of management |
tutor: |
master degree |
interest of research: |
capitalmarkets,analystbehavior,corporategovernance |
enrollment information
1. admissiondisciplines:accounting
2. researchdirection:capitalmarkets,analystbehavior,corporategovernance
3. enrollmentyear: 2023-2024
representative projects
1.presided overthe national natural science foundation youth project,"capital market opening and the behavior of chinese and foreign securities analysts" (project number:72202058),in process.
2.presidedoverthe youth project of the humanities and social sciences foundation of the ministry of education,"research on the impact mechanism and optimization strategy of blockchain technology on vertical merger and acquisition behavior of enterprises in the context of industrial digitization" (project number:21yjc630150),in process.
3.presided over the general program of the china postdoctoral science foundation (project number:2022m723544),in process.
4. presided over the youth project of the philosophy and social science foundation of the hubei provincial department of education, "research on financial support for financing products and services innovation of small and micro enterprises in science and technology innovation under the background of big data" (project number:20q046),conclusion.
representative articles
1.xu rujun, yuan tianrong. new explanation of auditor perceived analyst behavior [j]. audit research (cssci), 2018 (2)
2.xu rujun, yuan tianrong, long ziwu, zhao qing. will analysts follow the internet and cause the same group effect in financing decisions of listed companies? [j] economic management (cssci), 2018 (10)
3.xu rujun, wang xia, xu mingliang. does comparability of financial report information affect analysts' access to private information [j]. securities market introduction (cssci), 2021 (8)
4.xu rujun, hou heng. research on the impact of management catering to analyst predictions on stock repurchase behavior [j]. modern finance and economics (cssci), 2020 (8)
5.xu rujun, hou heng. analyst tracking network environment, heterogeneity, and peer behavior in financing decisions [j]. journal of shanxi university of finance and economics (cssci), 2020 (2)
representative works and textbooks
1.xu rujun. research on the same group effect of corporate financing decisions from the perspective of capital market analysts' network [m]. china financial and economicpress, 2023.
2.yuan tianrong, xu rujun. enterprise financial analysis (3rd edition) [m]. mechanical industry press, 2018.